Daytona Beach Shores Better Life Business Expo
Date and Time
Saturday Jan 21, 2023
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM EST
10 AM
Daytona Beach Shores Community Center
3000 Bellemead Drive
Free to attend
$50 per table inside
$75 per tent/space outside-tent provided
Limited electricity/first come-first served
Vendor setup at 8AM
Don't miss the ‘Better Life Business Expo’, Saturday, Jan. 21, 10A-2P, at the Daytona Beach Shores Community Center! Businesses are invited to sign up for a table to meet and network with the public and other businesses. The public is invited to come browse this FREE event at 3000 Bellemead Drive.
The Better Life Business Expo is a business trade show and networking event being presented by the City of Daytona Beach Shores and the Port Orange South Daytona Chamber of Commerce.
Local businesses, restaurants, products and services may reserve booth space to participate by registering for this event. Participating vendors are encouraged to provide demonstrations, samples and handouts. NOTE: Electricity will be limited. No cooking (warmers for food samples will be allowed).
Indoor vendors will be provided an 8-ft table and 2 chairs; cost is $50. Outdoor vendors will be provided a tent, 8-ft table and 2 chairs. Outdoor space is $75. Tablecloths will be provided or you may bring your own.
Space is limited, so sign up today to reserve your spot. Set up begins Saturday morning at 8 AM.
The City of Daytona Beach Shores is a member of the Port Orange South Daytona Chamber of Commerce, which has an office at 3060 S. Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach Shores. The Chamber Annex is open Wednesday through Friday and by appointment Mondays and Tuesdays by calling 386-872-7084.